Gaisler's long-eared bat

Plecotus gaisleri (Benda, Kiefer, Hanák & Veith, 2004)

Data defficient

Other names
CatalanOrellut de Gaisler
SpanishOrejudo de Gaisler
EnglishGaisler's long-eared bat
FrenchOreillard de Gaisler
BasqueBelarrihandi Gaisleri
GalicianOrelludo de gaisler


A medium-sized long-eared bat, it presents a forearm length between 36.9 to 42.4 mm, a tragust length of 14.6 to 15.6 mm and a weight between 5 to 8 g. It is pale brownish coloured, with a bright yellowish ventral part. Skin areas are also pale brown coloured. Animals in the Mediterranean region are darker than the paler individual from the northern Sahara.

Very similar to the Canary long-eared bat (Plecotus teneriffae) and the Balkan long-eared bat (Plecotus kolombatovici) it can only be separated on the basis of genetic comprarisons or from the skull.

Il·lustració de Toni Llobet extreta de l'obra Els ratpenats de Catalunya (BRAU Edicions, 2012).


A North African species, it is found from Morocco to north-eastern Lybia, from the northern edge of the Sahara to the Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts.

Roosts and phenology

Small nursery colonies have been found in cave entrances. Solitary individuals found in rock crevices, caves, cellars, ruins and arch fissures.

During the swarming period, males form mating groups in caves. It winters in caves.

Habitat and diet

Found in barren savannah habitats within the North African range, where it is heavily influenced by the Mediterranean habitats. Usually along water courses and oases, but also in semi-deserts and desert areas. Recorded up to 2,600 meters above sea level in the High Atlas.

Moths are the main prey. Hunting similar to other long-eared bats, close to vegetation or low above the ground.


Echolocation calls similar to other long-eared bat species, that's why it is included in the Plecotus sp. phonic group. The first harmonic starts at 43 kHz, dropping to around 22 kHz. Both harmonics hardly overlap.


It is not assessed in the IUCN Red List. Threats are not currently known.